Saturday, May 18, 2013

Why do some people HAVE to carry their cell phones with them wherever they go?

Question by tangerine: Why do some people HAVE to carry their cell phones with them wherever they go?
I see it all the time! I see people blabbing on their cell phones while they're paying the cashier. I see them answer their cell phones in the movie theaters! I have a cell phone myself, but my life doesn't revolve around it. The way I see it, if a call is important enough and I've missed it, the caller can always leave a voicemail message. Why don't other people have lives outside their cell phones?

Best answer:

Answer by Pam H
They are rude and full of themselves.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Scooter_The_happy _SquirrelMay 18, 2013 at 1:49 PM

    Because they want to look important & think it makes them look cool when in reality it makes them annoying as hell.

  2. i hold the emergency phone for my work so i HAVE to carry it, responding after the fact to a voice message isnt much use to anybody

  3. 1. We pay for them so we need to get the $ 100/month use out of them.
    2. If you don't answer when your fiance calls, he gets pissed. I have to take my phone to the bathroom with me. It's sad.
    3. Cell phones are a status thing with most people. You must have $ if you can afford one. Right?

    I understand where you are coming from. It's just a trend. Just like the iPod thing. Eveyone has one and they wear them everywhere.

  4. HAH! i know! i dont understand it either. i only really use my cell for emergencys or when i REALLY need to talk to someone. other than that i never use it. its pointless. like this girl i know she always has her phone on her she checks it every 2 seconds. honestly, they need to get a life other than their cell phones.

  5. Some people have to take them with them everywhere for certain jobs like police,bosses,politicians ect. So theres one reason and other people might have someone or something very important to where they need theyre phone. Others that dont as you put it life revolving around theyre phone well thats simply them. And i dont see why it should bother you so much,sence you dont do it. Worry about yourself this is the new age and all you know!

  6. I think it's related to WHY they have the cell phone. I typically use my cell phone only when I need to, but those with their priorities set more on social interaction, are more likely to be using the phone ALL the time. Those who do not use their phone beyond specific purposes will not be using their phone all the time. Periodically yes, but not all the time. Those who use their phone as a form of social networking will place their emphasis on every call, text message, or (if they have it on their phone) e-mail that graces their tiny little LCD.

    However, I will not discount that some jobs give their more important employees a cell phone, in case they are needed at a moments notice. Another thing to consider is that their cell phone could also be their home phone. I know that I do not have a landline to my house, too expensive to have both.

  7. my phone is always on me when i'm on call and if i didn't answer in then it might be too late by the time i get to the problem. my life doesn't revolve around it but my career does.

  8. .::Kelsey Kaboom::.May 18, 2013 at 5:53 PM

    if you dont like it then ignore it.

    you aren't going to be able to change it.

  9. one missed call potentially can mean loss of 275.00 USD per hour flying some VIP in south china petro fields

  10. most people need to have contact with people. Its really a security issue. What I dont like is when someone is in teh middle of a conversation and they sto...... hold on one sec my cell is riging... no really it is.

  11. I am on call for work. If work calls and I don't answer I lose money. I do have respect for other people though. If I have to answer it while in line at the store I will answer and explain to the caller I will either call them back in a second or ask them to hold for a moment. I also apologize to the cashier. As for phone will be on silent but in my lap and if I get a call I answer quietly and leave the theatre before carrying on a conversation.

  12. i have to have mine every where i go
    other wise i feel naked lol
    my cell has everything on it
    it has photos , songs , ect
    its my life

  13. It's crazy. People have become addicted to their cell phones. They go through withdrawal if their cell phone isn't with them at all times. And they are doing all kinds of activities while on those phones.
    What these people actually want is to be able to talk with anyone at any time no matter where they or the other person is at. And they are so close to achieving their dream of instant communication with all living entities they can't let go.

  14. Because they have no identity or sense of self otherwise?

    I would like to take this opportunity to inform all of you cell phone addicts that the average person is really, really, truly sick and tired of hearing you yack on and on about the most inane, banal, unimportant crap imaginable.

    We're sick of it, do you hear? It is rude, selfish, self-absorbed, and you are embarrassing yourself.

    You live in a SOCIETY. Did you know that? Do you know what a "society" is? Look it up. There are lots and lots of other people on the planet besides YOU, and guess what? Each and every one of them is exactly as important as YOU. Which means that you are actually required to consider them.

    Oh - and for the people saying that "I'm on call, I need it for my job, etc."??


    And just one other thing... I have been subjected to these "important" calls for years and years now.. forced to listen to personal calls standing in line at the post office, at the grocery store, at the pharmacist's, trying on a bra in Belk's, in the waiting room while getting my oil changed.... and guess what??

    I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, not even one time -- heard a conversation which was vital, important, urgent, of an emergency nature, OR EVEN INTERESTING.


    There's NEVER been one single call which I was forced to overhear that the person "HAD to take."

    The whole phenomenon is absolutely nothing more than some poor sap with no life pretending that he/she has one.

  15. it annoys me, but i don't even have a phone. if i did i would prolly be one of those annoying people though b/c i love to talk.
