Friday, May 17, 2013

How long before apps can be on regular cell phones?

Question by Kelly: How long before apps can be on regular cell phones?
What's great for I-Phones would be just as great on the rest of cell phones. How long do you think it will be before we can actually get it? I can't afford hundreds of dollars for a cell phone!

Best answer:

Answer by Alex
It will never be on a regular cell phone.

What will happen is that we will stop seeing regular cell phones and start seeing nothing buy java app driven smart phones.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. the regular cell phones are part of the past now"top app maker dont make apps for the old phones now they only have interest in the new smartphones i sugges you get the affordable iphone 3gs from at&t that cost 49 bucks with a two year contract..with that phone you will be able to use those apps that you want!

  2. The apps you are referring to use up a lot of processing power and therefore require a smart-phone device that packs a lot of punch, so to speak. The cheap feature-phones (basic function cell phones) simply do not have enough processing power or memory to handle complex operations and graphical interfaces that are required for smartphone apps.

    Many modern day feature-phones now have pre-installed apps for entertainment (games), web browsing etc. and often have some way of downloading and installing other (usually Java based) apps from third-parties.

    Most smart-phones are valued in excess of $ 400, and that is unlikely to change for some time. If you cannot afford that, you must learn to live with a feature-phone or consider a contract plan where you can pay the cost of the phone in your monthly bill.
