Saturday, May 18, 2013

Why do they say cell phone radiation is stronger when battery is low?

Question by Serban: Why do they say cell phone radiation is stronger when battery is low?
Is it true that cell phone radiation is stronger when the battery is nearly empty? Why? I don't see any reason.

Best answer:

Answer by Victor
I have never heard about this. What I know is the radiation get stronger when the signal is weak.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Who is they? Someone who actually has equipment to measure the RF from a cell phone?

  2. Cell phones don't emmit radiation, so no it doesnt

  3. No, cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation when they are sending out a signal to the cell tower, low battery strength may reduce the energy sent out but not increase it. That being said, a cell phone may increase it's radiated signal when it senses weak/no signals from the cell tower in an attempt to ensure a good connection.
