Friday, July 26, 2013

How to convince parents to get me a cell phone?

Question by Mars: How to convince parents to get me a cell phone?
I really would like a cell phone but my parents will not let me and I really need one, and not just for social reasons, i do, do a lot of out of school stuff and it would just be so much easier if I had a cell phone to communicate with like my parents and stuff. But i just can't convince my parents to get me one.

Best answer:

Answer by Lola4
get a part time job and pay for it your self by getting the prepaid bad do you want it?

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. If your parents say you don't need one, then you don't need one.
    Actually, you really don't.

  2. There are several reasons why a cell phone is useful in case of emergency. It may be happen you have an accident or you are on a place where you are witness of an accident and you see some people are hurt. A cell phone can help you to call immediately the police and the ambulance for transporting people to the hospital.

  3. how old r u?cuz im 16 and dont have a cellie and i live in alaska, and so its all cold here -.- so u dont need 1...but i have an itouch and txt for free on that

  4. 1.Explain to your parents that it is an important safety issue. You need a way to be able to contact them if your bus breaks down, you are stranded, you need to get from drugs/violence, or get stuck in a similar situation.
    * If they tell you to use a friend's phone, bring up the fact that you're not always going to be with a friend. Tell them that you would feel more comfortable if you could have a way to contact them without relying on someone else.

    2.Try making a deal. Offer to prove to them that you're responsible enough to for a phone. This could be anything from asking for a cell phone if you get straight A's to sacrificing friend time to take care of your baby brother every Saturday.

    3.Get inside the dissenting parent's head. Parents are people too. When they oppose you, it's generally for a good reason, and it's always fueled by love. See if you can figure out why they're saying no. Then, construct logical arguments against that. If expense is an issue, go online and find the cheapest plans that include what you are looking for in a phone. If they're worried about your safety, find safety features on the phones. Doing the extra research shows that you are truly committed to getting a phone, and that you're willing to work with them on a compromise.
    * Gauge your parent's emotions carefully. Use the parent who agrees as your advocate. Don't get in fights with the dissenting parent. When you judge the time is right, gently bring up the cheap plans you looked up. Advise them that many other kids your age got their first phones from ___________.
    * Offer to start with a FireFly or JitterBug. These are "starter" cell phones that you can use to prove your responsibility. After a couple of months, you can negotiate a better phone.

    4.Behave responsibly and in a mature manner the whole time. Be polite, mature, and sensible. Do not be whiny or childish in any way. This will sabotage everything. You must show you can be trusted. If you betray this trust, then all will be lost.

    5.Don't ask for too much. There is a slight chance a first time cell phone user is going to get the coolest, thinnest, trendiest, most expensive phone right away.Don't whine. This will give the impression that you have a childlike and unrealistic approach to this situation. #* The phone you are aiming to get should not be too expensive and not include a data plan. If you are aiming for the more expensive and or a data plan phone the you should definitely offer to pay for a mass amount of the cost.

    6.Reassure your parents. Get an AIM account, and tell them that you plan on using that for contacting your friends whenever possible. You want your parents to know that they won't have to face a huge bill due to excessive texting and emailing with your phone.

    7.Keep this issue at the forefront. Sooner or later a final decision will have to be made. If you end up getting a phone, take good care of it. If you lose your phone, you will likely lose your parents' trust as well.

    8.Make your parents aware that not having a cell phone is embarrassing. However, do not dwell on this, and definitely do not make it the main point of your argument.

    * Your underlying reason should be something much more credible than simply "it's embarrassing not to have one." A cell phone can come in handy, but if you just want one because you want to impress your friends, you are probably not mature enough for a cell phone.
