Monday, June 3, 2013

How does the cell phone system work in London?

Question by vitadistile: How does the cell phone system work in London?
I will be in London for 2 months (June and July) and I was wondering about a few things pertaining to cell phones:

1. is it necessary that I get a cell phone?

2. what are the plans like and what are the cheapest plans and what would you recommend?

3. are the plans more txt or minute based?

Best answer:

Answer by jdtw13
when you get to london, you can but a throw away phone. they sell them there somwewhere. once you have used up the credit they are useless and you just bin them

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. You can survive without a cell phone, even in London.

    In the UK we call cell phones 'mobile phones'

    You can buy Pay as you Go phones from shops such as Tesco, Woolworth, the Link, or mobile phone shops.

    These come with a small amount of credit, which you can top up, either using your credit card over the phone, or at petrol stations, supermarkets etc.

    Beware that calling charges to other mobiles (cell phones) and calls to overseas can be expensive (35p or more per minute). Some PAYG tarrifs have options for cheaper calls to the US.

    If you are only in London for 2 months, Pay as you Go is the best option, as most 'plans' are for a min of 12 months.

    There are also places where you can rent a cell phone.

  2. I think you will find some good info at
