Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What kind of cell phone should I buy?

Question by bobiswhat: What kind of cell phone should I buy?
I need to get a cell phone for work. Who has the best service plans and coverage? What phone is the best value?

Best answer:

Answer by ShouldBeWorking
As far as service goes it depends on where you live. In New England I have found Verizon works the best. Friends of mine who have Sprint or T-Mobile tend to not have service when I do. As far as the phone itself goes, try to go to some cell phone company websites, they usually will give you a comparison tool for the phones. The phone you will buy is based on what provider you pick also, so ask people in your area how they feel about their coverage.

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1 comment:

  1. I live in California and I think T-Mobile is good. Its very cheap and good reception. I suggest not to get Cingular because you pay a lot of extra STUFF.
