Friday, May 10, 2013

Do you have to sign with a cell phone company in order to obtain a phone number?

Question by : Do you have to sign with a cell phone company in order to obtain a phone number?
This may seem like a stupid question, but I've never messed with cell phones. I just got my google voice number and I'm hooking up my phone numbers. I want to buy a cell phone to hook up to it, but I'm not sure if I'll have to sign a contract in order to get a phone number, or if the number is integrated into the phone.

Best answer:

Answer by Danny Bazzi
nope you dont need to be sighned like minute phones for example

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. You can pick any number you want. Say, seven, for example. But no one will be able to call you

  2. yes you do. Your phone line is integratet to your sim card (a smart card) and you can use this card any phone you like.

  3. Phone number is assigned to Serial number of SIM card which you insert into phone. You take SIM out, or buy phone without contract or SIM card, and put your own card in it. But you must have SIM card of some company in order for your phone to get a reception to cell network

  4. Your phone number is with your account, which is on a SIM card. You will need to activate/sign up or you won't be able to make calls.
