Monday, May 20, 2013

How much radiation comes out of our cell phones?

Question by ralphie: How much radiation comes out of our cell phones?
How harmful is the radiation that comes out of cell phones? Must the cell phone be on or off for the radiation to be released? Should we be wearing an ear piece with our cell phone because the mouth piece is on a cord?

Best answer:

Answer by shimu42
nothing harm full

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Radiation for phones is VERY low. You would have to talk on your phone for more than 3 hours a day for 50+ years to actually get affected form it.The phone emits incredibly low amounts of radiation when it connects to the cell towers, so only when you are calling or sending a text will you get that minute amount of radiation. Texting releases even less than calling ,and it not usually near your body so you won't get any from it.

  2. EEach Phone Model has a different "SAR" Number.
    SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate for Radiation.

    You can go here to begin to research the SAR # for different cell Phones

    Keep in Mind, BlueTooth Headsets increase the amount of radiation considerably.
    Corded Headsets are the safest.
    I dont let any of my own family members use a BlueTooth headset....

  3. Yup, be be certain you're aware of the truth before deciding your final choice; take a look at the information on links third and eighth here:

    That should solve your problem
